BG Patricia R. Wallace, Commanding General of the U.S. Army Reserve 80th Training Command (The Army School System), was confirmed for promotion to the rank of Major General.

MG Wallace has over 30 years of service as both an Enlisted Soldier and Officer. She assumed command of the 80th Training Command as the first female Commanding General on December 5, 2022, after a successful tenure as the Commanding General of the 91st Training Division.
An Indianapolis native, she accepted her Reserve Officer Training Corps commission at Indiana University in 1990 in the Adjutant General's Corps after serving two years of enlisted service. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and a Master of Public Administration from Indiana University, and a Master of Strategic Studies degree from the U.S. Army War College.

The 80th Training Command (TC) (The Army School System (TASS)) has a force of over 6,000 Army Reserve Soldiers and 270 Civilians authorized to 85 units across 37 states nationwide, including synergistic relationships with institutional training units in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Germany.
By resourcing and conducting almost 1,700 courses each year, 80th TC (TASS) instructors are capable of developing, educating, and training nearly 47,000 students, both military and Civilian, in direct support of Army Reserve Command and Training and Doctrine Command missions and objectives.
The 80th TC (TASS) oversees the following: Intermediate Level Education (Phases 1, 2, and 3) with the 97th Training Brigade (CGSOC/ILE). Functional Training Courses with the 83rd U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Training Center. Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Military Education at NCO Academy Fort Dix, NCO Academy Fort McCoy, and NCO Academy Camp Parks.
In total, the 80th TC (TASS) teaches almost 150 individual courses from 12 unique Army Career Management Fields from the operations, operations support, and force sustainment divisions. The command also provides specified instructor personnel from its school brigades, as directed, to TRADOC installations in support of MOS-specific training requirements.
As an agile institution that increases the capability, combat readiness, and lethality of its students, the 80th TC (TASS) prides itself in maintaining the ability to adapt its posture to meet emerging requirements in today’s complex operating environment. The command’s schoolhouses are destinations for world-class training experiences, and its instructors are ready to train anytime and anywhere.
The command’s annual economic impact is roughly $50 million. In addition to the salaries of full-time civilian and military personnel, this figure also includes pay to Army Reserve Soldiers, money spent locally for the purchase of supplies, services, maintenance support, equipment, facility construction and renovation, and the G.I. Bill college tuition payments to Army Reserve Soldiers attending school.
The three major one-star divisions under the umbrella of the 80th TC (TASS) are: the 94th Training Division (Force Sustainment) with its headquarters at Fort Lee, Virginia; the 100th Training Division (Leader Development) with its headquarters at Fort Knox, Kentucky; and the 102d Training Division (Maneuver Support) with its headquarters at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.