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Inaugural AG Reunion Recap, 1-3 March 2024 in San Antonio, TX

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Pictured above - LTC Maria Rinaldi (left) and LTC Carolina Cruz welcome golfers to the AG Reunion Golf Outing on 2 March 2024 at The Greens Golf Course on Fort Sam Houston, TX.

The Inaugural AG Reunion was recently held in San Antonio, Texas on 1-3 March 2024.  With the primary sponsorship of the Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA), the oversight provided by its National Executive Council, and the support of the Alamo Chapter, the first AG Reunion was hailed by attendees as an overwhelming success!

The AG Reunion is designed to attract and bring together AG Retirees, Veterans, DA Civilians, and Spouses, along with the Active, ARNG, and USAR AGs in a variety of venues that provide current and relevant Adjutant General’s Corps and AGCRA information and encourages camaraderie, discourse, teambuilding, and a long-term AGCRA connection.  The AG Reunion is also intended to serve as a second annual AG marquee event by standing alone from the National AG Ball and providing more focus on the AGCRA.

Day 1 - March 1, 2024

COL (Ret) Jim Larsen, IMCOM G-1, welcomes AG Reunion attendees to San Antonio at the Reunion Social on the evening of March 1st.

The first event of the AG Reunion weekend was the welcome Social at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX.  Serving as the IMCOM Commanding General's representative, COL (Ret) Jim Larsen, IMCOM G-1, provided welcome remarks to AG Reunion attendees.

Day 2 - March 2, 2024

San Antonio Tours - Day 2 activities in the morning through mid-afternoon included San Antonio sightseeing events, including the Alamo, Tower of Americas, San Antonio Missions Tour, San Antonio Ghost Tours, and Riverboat Rides.

AG Reunion Golf Outing - Thirty golfers headed to the links at The Greens Golf Course on Fort Sam Houston, “Where Heroes Play”.  

AG Reunion Golf Outing photos follow below...

The AG Reunion Golf Outing winning teams placed as follows:
• 1st Place with a score of 60 was the Knights of Columbus Team - Art Garza, Pat Cunningham, Mark Aiken, and Mark Stephens.
• 2nd Place with a score of 63 was Tony Delgado’s Spectrum Team - Alex Arambula, Josue Rodriguez, Rick Spectrum, and Roy Spectrum.
• 3rd Place with a score of 65 was the AG Reunion Retiree Team - MG (Ret) Rick Mustion, COL (Ret) Mike Molosso, COL (Ret) Steve Shea, and CSM (Ret) Billy Blackmon.
• 4th Place with a score of 66 was the Rocket City Chapter Team - CW4 (Ret) Eugene Roberts, SGM (Ret) Ken Jackson, CSM (Ret) Andre Douglas, and CW4 (Ret) Rafael Santos.

AG Reunion Dinner - There were 85 attendees for the Reunion Dinner.  Highlights of the Dinner included welcome remarks by COL Randy Lefebvre, President of the AGCRA Alamo Chapter; the State of the AGCRA by COL (Ret) Rob Manning, AGCRA President; guest speaker remarks by MG (Ret) Rick Mustion; the AGCRA awards presentation; and entertainment by the Band Ensemble from the 323rd Army Band, "Fort Sam's Own".

AG Reunion Dinner photos follow below...

AGCRA awards presentation - (from left to right) COL (Ret) Rob Manning, AGCRA President; MG Horatio Gates Gold Medal recipients - LTC Carolina Cruz, LTC (Ret) Dianne Monje, and Ms. Dina Boley; MG Horatio Gates Bronze Medal recipients - LTC (Ret) Leslie DeSander and CW3 Adan Parra; and COL Randy Lefebvre, AGCRA Alamo Chapter President.

Day 3 - March 3, 2024

AG Reunion Departure Breakfast - For those attendees who did not have to depart early, AGCRA sponsored a Departure Breakfast highlighted by COL (Ret) Rob Manning providing departure remarks.  

Another special thanks to the AGCRA Alamo Chapter for their steadfast and dedicated efforts to making the Inaugural AG Reunion a resounding success.

In October 2025, the second annual AG Reunion is projected to be supported by the AGCRA Rocket City Chapter, Redstone Arsenal / Huntsville, AL.

AGCRA's sponsorship made the Inaugural AG reunion possible. AGCRA members make Association events like this a reality. If you're not already an active member, please consider joining or renewing your AGCRA membership at
Bob Ortiz

Bob Ortiz

6 min read