AG Corps HOF Class of 2023

LTG (Ret) Thomas C. Seamands served our Army for 39 years in a diverse range of assignments, culminating as the Army G1. His technical expertise, diligence, innovative thinking, and leadership skills epitomize the proud heritage of the Adjutant General’s Corps.
- His readiness-enhancing contributions had a dramatic impact on shaping the Army and improving the quality of the force. He was directly involved in designing and implementing policies to open all positions in the Army to women and engineering a major force drawdown while supporting two theaters of combat.
- LTG (Ret) Seamands’ empathetic leadership and oversight of personnel readiness ensured that the Total Force remained ready to fight while continuing to care for Soldiers and Families. His leadership through the implementation of talent management initiatives changed the way in which our Army oversees the career management of its people. He led efforts to implement the Command Assessment Program, opting in / out of promotion boards, the use of the talent management marketplace for officer and noncommissioned officer assignments, and the introduction of brevet promotions. The cumulative effect of these initiatives transformed the way the Army cares for its most important resource, its people.

MG (Ret) William D. Razz Waff ended his 39-year Army career as the HQDA Deputy G1, where he developed, managed, and executed personnel plans, programs and policies for the Total Army. He simultaneously served as the Chairman of the Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee, comprised of 15 Reserve and 15 Guard Major Generals, which provided direct input to the Secretary of the Army on personnel, training, and logistics issues that impeded the readiness of the reserve components.
- As the Commanding General, 99th Regional Support Command, he led over 51,000 Soldiers in over 439 Army Reserve units in 13 states. His leadership through complex problems, such as responding to Super Storm Sandy, earned the unit an Army Superior Unit Award. He also provided support to thousands of Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers mobilizing and demobilizing at the Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst Mobilization Training Center and Ft. Devens, MA.
- MG (Ret) Waff served as the first Deputy Commanding General, Human Resources Command at a crucial time; when the command was closing its doors in Alexandria, VA, St. Louis, MO, and Indianapolis, IN and relocating to Fort Knox, KY. His ability to work with separate components on a major relocation and consolidation of four facilities, in four different states, was critical to enabling seamless and continuous support to the Army.

COL (Ret) Angelia Holbrook’s service for over 27 years left a lasting impact on the United States Army and the Adjutant General’s Corps. While serving as the Division Chief, Enlisted Career Systems, DMPM, she led her team to develop and design the 2014 Army drawdown and reorganization strategy, scaling the force back to the programmed targets and meeting Army Senior Leader force objectives.
- As Chief of Operations Director for the Multi-National Joint Task Headquarters, she brilliantly led her team to support the readiness and strength management of over 195K coalition personnel deployed in combat operations during surge operations.
- While serving as the Deputy Executive Officer to the Chief of Staff, United States Army, she was the principal author of the Chief of Staff’s Women in the Service Review Policy in response to Congressional concerns.
- COL (Ret) Holbrook is a passionate supporter of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, having served as President or Vice President in the Potomac, Lone Star, Pikes Peak, and Mount Ranier Chapters.

COL (Ret) James L. Walker’s distinguished 45+ year Army career encompasses 28 years in uniform and 18 years with the Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP).
- Many senior Adjutant General’s Corps leaders credit COL (Ret) Walker with saving the AG Corps from being folded into the Signal Corps during the force structure realignments in the mid-1980s. As Chief, Enlisted AGC Branch Chief, he convinced the Army leadership to retain all HR missions and MOSs that we have in the force structure today.
- COL (Ret) Walker stood up the Army’s 1st Printing and Publications Command. As Commander, he drove the historical transformation of Printing and Pubs into the digital age and electronic publishing. Using electronic mail, he enabled users to transfer/share documents and forms across the Army.
- His dedicated service with ACAP was invaluable to hundreds of transitioning Soldiers, Family Members, Veterans, and Retirees. His sophisticated counseling techniques were identified as a “program best practice” and implemented Army-wide.
- COL (Ret) Walker, a Viet Nam Veteran and founding member of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA), was recognized in the first group of Horatio Gates Bronze Medal recipients.

CW5 (Ret) Ronald W. Peterman joined the Army in 1970 and was appointed a warrant officer in 1984. Throughout his 36-year career, he served within the Special Operations community and the operational Army.
- While serving as the European theater Warrant Officer Assignment Manager, he was selected as Kuwait's Theater-level Casualty Liaison Officer to support deployed USAREUR units. This sensitive task was critical to the successful care of numerous family members.
- CW5 (Ret) Peterman was well known throughout U.S. Army Forces Command for establishing best practices and a sustained high level of excellence as identified by the FORSCOM Power Projection Enhancement Team.
- A tireless advocate for Soldier readiness, CW5 (Ret) Peterman emphasized finding the right people for the job and then working to achieve both the Soldiers’ goals and the command’s objectives.

CSM (Ret) Annette R. Weber concluded her 30+ year military career as the TRADOC DCS G1/4 Sergeant Major, where she played a pivotal role in the complete overhaul of the NCO professional development model.
- She championed the NCO Corps through the transition from an industrial-age human resources system to a more modernized approach to talent management. Her efforts helped develop the generation of competent and committed NCOs serving our Army today.
- While serving as the Afghan Senior Enlisted Gender Integration Advisor, she played a significant role in ensuring Afghan women had access to training and education to defend their homeland. Through her efforts, Afghanistan integrated over 3,000 women into the National Police Force.
- CSM (Ret) Weber’s leadership was crucial while serving as the CSM, Soldier Support Institute while relocating the Army’s Recruiting and Retention School from Fort Jackson, SC, to Fort Knox, KY. The move was pivotal to improving synergy with the Recruiting Command and enhancing the training of recruiters.
AG Corps Distinguished Member of the Corps (DMOC)
Class of 2023
COL (Ret) Cortez K. Dial
COL Rebecca L. Eggers
COL Timothy R. Hickman
COL Cort J. Hunt
COL Daryl R. Morse
COL Marcus A. Motley
COL Luis “Tony” A. Parilli
CW5 Sandra M. Albelo
CW5 William L. Harshaw
CW5 Mark W. Hickman
CW5 James W. Jolly III
CW5 Ryan Martin Sr.
CW5 (Ret) Larry J. Wood
CW4 Bernard L. Aguon
CW4 (Ret) Andrea A. Ebanks-Joyner
CW4 Wesley D. Tuchtenhagen
CW3 Alexandru V. Mircea
CSM(Ret) Jeremy Bradford
SGM Gary A. Krese
SGM Paul A. Mantha
SGM DeMickel R. McGrigg
CSM Siaosi B. Motu’apuaka
CSM (Ret) Tammy White-McKnight
CSM (Ret) Algrish C. Williams
CSM Anthony J. Wilson
Mr. John J. Belme
Mr. Don A. Bohn