The United States Army Band (“Pershing’s Own”) and The Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps provided music at the joint Change of Responsibility ceremony for the Army Chief of Staff and Sergeant Major of the Army on Friday, 4 August 2023.
The ceremony, held at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall was attended by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Secretary of the Army Christine E. Wormuth, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff GEN Mark A. Milley, and many other dignitaries.

Pershing’s Own kicked off the event with a pre-ceremony performance and then played as the troops from the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) marched onto historic Summerall Field.

Pershing’s Own and The Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps executed a tightly synchronized pass-through maneuver complete with precisely handing off the music from one ensemble to the other for the “Sound Off.”

During the ceremony, the 40th Chief of Staff of the Army, GEN James C. McConville, and the 16th Sergeant Major of the Army, Michael A. Grinston, relinquished responsibility to GEN Randy A. George and the 17th Sergeant Major of the Army, Michael R. Weimer with a traditional passing of the colors.

During the Pass in Review, Pershing’s Own played as the troops paraded past the reviewing stand and then seamlessly handed the music off to the Fife & Drum Corps, who performed their signature song and traditional troop step.

Pershing’s Own closed the ceremony with a final musical salute and performance of the Army Song.