On 26 January 2024, COL (Ret) Robert Manning, AGCRA President, and personnel from the USARPAC G1 conducted a walk-through and received a brief about the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA). DPAA’s mission is to provide the fullest possible accounting for our missing personnel to their Families and the nation.

DPAA is an outstanding organization comprised of military and civilian personnel from every U.S. Service working tirelessly to fulfill our nation’s obligation to missing personnel and their Families. During the walk-through, the group received information about DPAA’s mission, expeditionary operations, and organizational structure. For more information about DPAA, please visit https://www.dpaa.mil.

AGCRA Professional Development Engagement
While in Hawaii, COL (Ret) Manning held a community meeting with AG professionals from across Oahu. Participants discussed the State of the AG Corps, professional development strategies, and networking within the Army HR profession from the Battalion to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) level.

The gathering was a great opportunity to build camaraderie and discuss the importance of supporting the AGCRA as Army HR Professionals. The Aloha Chapter appreciates COL (Ret) Manning for his wise words and for personally presenting some of our very deserving AG professionals with the AGCRA COL Robert Manning Achievement Medal and Horatio Gates Bronze Medals.

For more information about AGCRA or the Aloha Chapter, please visit https://www.agcra.com -or- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1363722030902186/