COL Frank C. Foster, Jr. Award For Writing Excellence

The purpose of the COL Frank C. Foster, Jr. Award for Writing Excellence is to stimulate thinking and writing on issues of concern about Human Resources and its impact on the Army or Department of Defense.
Any officer enrolled in the Adjutant General Captains Career Course or Warrant Officer Advanced Course.
COL Foster believed success as an AG Officer or Warrant Officer started with one’s writing ability. The Adjutant General School at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, establishes the standard and award criteria for selecting AG CPTs and senior Warrant Officers for this award.
This award is named in honor of COL Frank C. Foster, Jr., U.S. Army Retired, who served as the Commandant, Adjutant General School, from 1987-1991. During his tenure as Commandant, the Army adopted The Regimental System. COLL Foster is recognized as the founder of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regiment and the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA). He also designed the current “Defend and Serve” crest worn today by AG Soldiers and wrote the words to The Adjutant General’s Corps March.
To be borne by the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA).
Recommending Procedures
Once the Adjutant General School has selected AG CPTs and / or senior Warrant Officers winners for this award, they will notify the AGCRA VP, Awards for award certificates and medal sets to be prepared for presentation.
The email contact at AGCRA is Please allow one week for awards processing before the requested presentation date.
Announcement of Awards
Award recipients will be published in “1775″ on the official AGCRA website.
Presentation of Awards
The medal and award certificate are presented at Adjutant General Captains Career Course or Warrant Officer Advanced Course graduation ceremonies.
Recording of Awards
All awards will be recorded by entering the recipient’s rank and full name in a database maintained by the AGCRA VP, Awards.
Revocation of Awards
In the unlikely event that information becomes known that a fraudulent award has been made, or dishonorable conduct is substantiated, the National Executive Council can revoke this award, annotate the database, and notify the individual of the action.