Teri Maude – Debra Strickland Spouse Medal

The purpose of this award is to give special recognition to Spouses and Widows of Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA) members for contributions of outstanding significance for service or support to Soldiers (primary) and / or to the Department of Defense (DoD), Army, or AG Corps. Approval authority for this spouse award resides with the AGCRA National Executive Council (NEC).
Spouses / Widows of all AGCRA members.
The AGCRA NEC will determine the status of “domestic partners” on a case-by-case basis.
Although this spouse award is named after two prominent female spouses in our Corps’ and Association’s history, the award itself is gender-neutral.
Significant contributions by eligible Spouses / Widows in support of Soldiers (primary), and / or to the Department of Defense, Army, AG Corps, AGCRA, and / or the local community, while honoring traditional American military values. Significant contributions must include at least one of the following:
1. Spouses / Widows who provide outstanding service directly to or in support of Soldiers and / or their Families. Examples – lead a unit Family Readiness Group; lead a Gold Star Family support group.
2. Spouses / Widows who provide outstanding service and / or support to the DoD, Army, AG Corps, AGCRA, and / or the local community. Examples – lead a scholarship program for Soldiers and / or their Family members; serve as an officer for an AGCRA Chapter; serve as a Committee Chair for a DoD / Army-sponsored program; lead a charitable organization within the local community.
3. Spouses / Widows who have established a pattern of excellence, as recognized by previous accomplishments (e.g., Commander’s Award, Community Recognition).
The “Teri Maude and Debra Strickland Spouse Medal” is established to recognize the contributions and achievements of all AGCRA Spouses / Widows at the National Association level. The award is named in honor of Teri Maude, wife of LTG Timothy J. Maude, killed in action at The Pentagon on 9-11 while serving as the Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel (DCSPER), and Debra Strickland, wife of SGM Larry Strickland, killed in action at The Pentagon on 9-11 while serving as the Sergeant Major for the Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel (DCSPER).
Teri Maude was instrumental in establishing The Maude Foundation after LTG Maude’s death. Through The Maude Foundation, Teri was the catalyst to provide financial support for Soldiers in the Army’s Green to Gold Program. Additionally, starting in 2007 The Maude Foundation began hosting the Maude Leadership Lecture Series at the Soldier Support Institute at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The Lecture Series provides AG students with increased opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and classroom training by engaging with the Army’s current and former senior leaders. The Maude Foundation dissolved in January 2017, and AGCRA now carries on nonprofit organization incentives on behalf of LTG Maude’s name.
Teri also served with distinction as a Department of the Army (DA) civilian employee at United States Army Europe and The Pentagon and received the Civilian Patriotic Service Award and the Superior Civilian Service Award.
Debra Strickland was instrumental in establishing the SGM Larry L. Strickland Educational Leadership Award (SELA). SELA is a non-federal award sponsored by the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). The award honors the memory of SGM Larry L. Strickland, representing all Soldiers and civilians lost during the global war on terrorism.
SGM Strickland was an outstanding Soldier who cared deeply about mentoring members of the Army’s Enlisted force and believed, “If you educate the NCO, you educate the Soldiers they lead.” The SELA is awarded annually to an Army NCO who exemplifies the Army’s vision and mobilizes others in shaping our future leaders while practicing excellent stewardship of the Nation’s most precious resource – its Soldiers.
Debra Strickland retired after 36 years on active duty, including deployments to Afghanistan after the 9-11 attacks. She served as the Command Sergeant Major of the Installation Management Agency in 2002, and was the first Command Sergeant Major of Installation Management Command when it was formed in 2006. She was a fierce advocate and strong supporter for quality of life issues and worked in developing programs such as the First Sergeant’s Barracks Initiative.
$40.00, borne by the Recommending Authority.
The price includes Medal Set and Shipping. Shipping includes First Class or Priority. You can purchase a Medal Set and Shipping at the following link: Teri Maude – Deb Strickland Spouse Medal (click Category to the right, then Awards).
Note the following:
- Before purchasing any AGCRA medal set, please “confirm” award approval with the AGCRA VP, Awards by emailing Awards@agcra.com.
- Expedited, Express, or Overnight shipping costs are extra – contact Awards@agcra.com for details.
- This award will not be shipped until the AGCRA National Executive Council approves.
Recommending Procedures
Anyone with firsthand knowledge of a Spouse’s / Widow’s achievement or service that meets the award criteria can recommend that individual for this award. Using the AGCRA Awards Nomination Form, recommendations will be emailed (preferred method) to the AGCRA VP, Awards at Awards@agcra.com. The VP, Awards will verify AGCRA membership status, check the recommendation against the award criteria, place the recommendation before the NEC for approval, and then process the award certificate and medal for shipping if approved. The award recommendation must arrive as soon as possible but no later than 30 days before the requested presentation date.
The local “active” AGCRA Chapter President must endorse the award recommendation. If there is no local “active” Chapter in your area, the senior Adjutant General’s Corps Officer, or DoD / DA HR Civilian leader, in the chain of command will endorse the recommendation.
Once the award has been voted by the National Executive Council and approved, payment may be made via the awards link using a credit or debit card (preferred method). Exceptions for payment methods are on a case-by-case basis. The AGCRA VP, Awards (Awards@agcra.com), can only process credit or debit card transactions for AGCRA award payments within the Sutler Store on AGCRA.com.
Approval Process
The AGCRA NEC will review award recommendations and base its vote on the merits of the achievement(s) or service. A majority of the National Executive Council Awards Committee must approve the recommendation.
Certificates for approved recommendations will be provided to the President of the Association for authenticating signature. The certificate and medal will be mailed to the recommending authority when signed. If mailing has to be expedited, recommending authority will cover the additional costs.
Award recipients will be published in “1775″ on the official AGCRA website.
Medals and certificates will be presented with an appropriate air of formality and at fitting ceremonies such as AG Balls, anniversary celebrations of the Adjutant General’s Corps, or Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association Chapter activations, activities, events, or retirement ceremonies.
All AGCRA awards will be recorded by entering the recipient’s rank / title, full name, and approved award in a database maintained by the Association VP, Awards. This database will be reviewed as part of the approval process.
In the unlikely event that information becomes known that a fraudulent award has been made, or dishonorable conduct is substantiated, the National Executive Council can revoke this award, annotate the database, and notify the individual of the action.