COL Robert L. Manning Achievement Medal

To recognize the achievements of individuals who promote the objectives and purposes of the Adjutant General’s Corps, Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA), “or” Human Resources professional as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
The COL Robert L. Manning (RLM) Achievement Medal is awarded for achieving a lesser degree than required for awarding of the Horatio Gates Medals.
Any person who is a member in good standing of the Association, “and” who is a member of the Adjutant General’s Corps, or affiliated with the Adjutant General’s Corps or other Human Resources professional, when the recommendation is submitted. Personnel may not receive this award more than twice.
As established by the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, and in keeping with the AGCRA goals, members will be recognized for their accomplishments with the COL RLM Achievement Medal. Approval authority for this medal lies with the President of the National Executive Council; all Association Chapter Presidents (Chapter must be active and in good standing); and by downgrade authority by the National Executive Council (majority vote required).
At the request of Chapter Presidents, the AGCRA National Executive Council created an award to recognize contributions to the DoD / Army, Adjutant General’s Corps, AGCRA, “or” other military Human Resources professionals.
COL Robert L. Manning was the 29th Chief of the Adjutant General’s Corps, Commandant of the Adjutant General School, Chief of Army Bands, and President, AGCRA. His leadership reenergized the Achievement Medal across the Army and Association. The medal was renamed the COL Robert L. Manning Achievement Medal in May 2013 to recognize COL Manning’s significant contributions to AGCRA.
$30.00, borne by the Recommending Authority.
The price includes Medal Set and Shipping. Shipping includes First Class or Priority. You can purchase a Medal Set and Shipping at the following link: COL Robert L. Manning Achievement Medal (click Category to the right, then Awards).
Note the following:
- Before purchasing any AGCRA medal set, please “confirm” award approval with the AGCRA VP, Awards by emailing
- Expedited, Express, or Overnight shipping costs are extra – contact for details.
- This award will not be shipped until approved by the AGCRA National Executive Council, or an "active" AGCRA Chapter President.
Recommending Procedures
Anyone with firsthand knowledge of an individual’s achievement that meets the award criteria can recommend that individual for this award.
The local “active” Chapter President will review and approve / disapprove all recommendations. All recommendations for the Achievement Medal will be made using the AGCRA Awards Nomination Form and forwarded by email (preferred method) to the AGCRA NEC VP, Awards at
If no “active” Association Chapter is available, the award recommendation will be forwarded to the AGCRA VP, Awards for processing and approval consideration by the Association President. However, before forwarding the award recommendation, the senior Adjutant General’s Corps Officer, or senior DoD / DA HR Civilian Leader in the nominee’s chain of command must endorse the award.
Approval Process
If approved by the local Chapter President, or if no “active” Association Chapter is available, the recommendation will be forwarded by email (preferred method) to as early as possible, but no later than 30 days before the requested presentation date.
AGCRA membership will be verified, and the certificate will be prepared and forwarded along with the medal for presentation. The local Chapter President will sign the certificate. If there is no local “active” Chapter, the AGCRA President will approve or disapprove the recommendation after membership verification. The Association President will sign the certificate and the medal will be forwarded for presentation.
Once the award has been processed at the National Executive Council level, payment may be made via the awards link using a credit or debit card (preferred method). Exceptions for payment methods are on a case-by-case basis. The AGCRA VP, Awards (, can only process credit or debit card transactions award payments within the Sutler Store of
Award recipients will be published in “1775″ on the official AGCRA website.
Medals and certificates will be presented with an appropriate air of formality at fitting ceremonies such as AG Balls, the Adjutant General’s Corps anniversary celebrations, or AGCRA Chapter activations, activities, events, or retirement ceremonies.
All awards will be recorded by entering the recipient’s name, rank, and unit in a database maintained by the AGCRA VP, Awards. This database will be reviewed as part of the approval process.
In the unlikely event that information becomes known that a fraudulent award has been made, or dishonorable conduct is substantiated, the National Executive Council can revoke this award, annotate the database, and notify the individual of the action.